The Reformed Theological Academy is an institution of the Reformed confession and subscribes to the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession and the Canons of Dordrecht. It was incepted in 2021 by the Reformed Churches in South Africa. The aim is to provide, within the framework of reformed theology and ministry, for training needs of churches, ministers and members. Any church or person is welcome to register for its courses.
The Academy is in the process of application of registration as a Private Higher Education Institution with the Department of Higher Education and Training. Our courses are therefore not accredited and provide for church specific training needs.
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Die Gereformeerde Teologiese Akademie is ‘n instelling van gereformeerde belydenis en onderskryf die Heidelbergse Kategismus, die Nederlandse Geloofsbelydenis en die Dordtse leerreëls. Dit is in 2021 deur die Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid-Afrika in die lewe geroep. Die doel is om binne die raamwerk van gereformeerde teologie en bediening, in opleidingsbehoeftes van kerke, predikante en lidmate te voorsien. Enige kerk of persoon is welkom om vir die kursusse in te skryf.
Die Akademie is in die proses om aansoek te doen vir registrasie as ‘n Privaat Hoër Onderwys Instelling, by die Department van Hoër Onderwys en Opleiding. Ons kursusse is dus nie geakkrediteer nie, maar voorsien in kerk-spesifieke opleidingsbehoeftes.
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