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Short Courses : More Information

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Reformed Theological Academy

The RTA functions in accordance to the Word of God and the Three Formularies of Unity, viz. The Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism and the Canons of Dordt.

Aspiring Students

Closing date for application is July 31, 2023

Do you want to become a minister in the GKSA?

Persons wishing to become ministers in the GKSA must, with the approval of their church council, apply to the Curators before the end of June of the previous year to be admitted to the ministerial training.

Application forms can be requested from the registrar of the Theological School at Fully completed applications must then be submitted to the registrar by July 31, 2023.

Request Special Access

If you need special access to the premises you can apply for an access card here. Special Access is only granted to students of the Faculty of Theology or members of Die Bult reformed church.

Special Access Request

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